
Chocolate City: London (2 LPs + 2 CDs + DVD)

Vinyl + Audio-CD + DVD

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This was the mother of all Mothership Connections. A wild ride inside the mind and music of P-Funk genius George Clinton, and the inside track on the influences and inspirations behind Parliament-Funkadelic's most iconic songs.

Captured for TV, Bluray, and CD, a riotous greatest hits show (for 100 lucky fans) from Parliament-Funkadelic, led by Clinton himself, features numerous veterans of the classic line-up and very special guest Joss Stone; interspersed with mind food regaling stories and revealing studio secrets of how one of the tightest, wildest and most experimental bands in the universe put together their legendary jams.

Included in the package is a limited edition live vinyl - the highest possible quality form of recording there is, cut the day after the live show in Metropolis' infamous Studio A - an ultimate treat for funk-loving audiophiles.

This boxset really is an up-close look at the musical brilliance that marks Parliament-Funkadelic as one of the greatest live bands in history.


Interpreten George Clinton
Genre Jazz
Inhalt 2 LPs + 2 CDs + 1 DVD
Erscheinungsdatum 31.07.2015





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