€ 36,49

Sing & Play New Folk Songs (LP)


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The tender and curious songs on the first album by songwriter and pre-school teacher Mr. Greg and acclaimed indie chameleon Cass McCombs celebrate the joys of learning and discovery. The pair of longtime friends make connections for young children just beginning to find their own way in the world and for parents regaining their own childlike sensibilities. Set to tunes straight from the mold of Ella Jenkins and Woody Guthrie, the duo sings about the importance of friendship, understanding those different from yourself, and taking care of your body. They also pay musical tribute to heroic figures of bravery and justice like Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Harvey Milk. These songs are bridges to many adventures in the making and include suggested activities for youngsters to supplement their listening and exploration.


Interpreten Mr. Greg & Cass Mccombs
Genre Folk
Inhalt LP
Erscheinungsdatum 18.08.2023




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