€ 28,99

Lempicka - OBCR


Erscheint am 19.07.2024


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Sony Masterworks Broadway is proud to announce the release of the Original Broadway Cast Recording of Lempicka, the sweeping new musical portrait celebrating the gripping true story of renowned artist Tamara de Lempicka. The musical opens April 14 on Broadway and stars Eden Espinosa in the title role along with Amber Iman, George Abud and Tony Award winner Beth Leavel directed by Tony Award winning Rachel Chavkin. Lempicka features book, lyrics and original concept by Carson Kreitzer and book and music by Matt Gould. - Spanning decades of political and personal turmoil and told through a thrilling, pop-infused score, Lempicka boldly explores the contradictions of a world in crisis, a woman ahead of her era, and an artist whose time has finally come. - Amidst the violence of the Russian Revolution, a young painter named Tamara de Lempicka and her aristocrat husband are forced to abandon their luxurious lifestyle and flee to the dubious safety of Paris. Relying on her raw talent and relentless ambition, Tamara claws her way from penniless refugee to in-demand portraitist, earning a place among Parisian high society. Her world is upended once again when she meets Rafaela, a free spirit from the city slums, who introduces Tamara to a new world of decadence and passion. Torn between her new muse and her husband, fighting to leave her mark on an ever-changing world, Tamara must discover the depths of her own strength to survive.


Genre Musical
Inhalt CD
Erscheinungsdatum 19.07.2024
Artikelart Soundtrack




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