€ 51,49

Paleobotany (Collectors Edition, Deluxe Edition, Limited Edition, 2 CDs)


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On their twelfth full-length "Paleobotany", Botanist take us back more than 70 million years to a time when dinosaurs ruled the planet and early forests began to turn to coal. "Paleobotany" comes with all the trademark characteristics that set Botanist apart from all other metal acts on this planet. Lyrically, the band from San Francisco, CA revolves around species of plants - in a clean break from the usual genre stereotypes like Satan, dragons, and booze. Their music clearly has it's foundation anchored in 'metal', but instead of 6-string guitars the Americans use 110-string hammered dulcimers. To the confused horror of traditionalists, Botanist fit these percussion-stringed folk instruments with magnetic pickups and distort them through various perverse means that range from amplifiers via analogue tape to digital manipulation. The resulting sound is as unique as spectacular.


Interpreten Botanist
Genre Hardrock, Metal
Inhalt 2 CDs
Erscheinungsdatum 17.05.2024
Edition Deluxe Edition, Limited Edition, Collectors Edition




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